University and School Queue Management System
Save your students from late registration, clear out lobbies, and streamline your bookstore purchases with Waitwhile – the intelligent waitlist app. Create a free waitlist for your business with SMS notifications in under 3 minutes.
No credit card required
With Waitwhile, businesses have saved 100 million customers more than 10,000 years of waiting in line......and counting
Say hello to a waitlist
without the wait
Let your students do what they want while they wait
No one likes to wait, especially when they have to stay in a packed lobby. Empower your students with time and allow them the option to spend their wait however (andwherever) they like. Our ‘alert’ features make it easy to keep your students informed about the status of their wait wherever they go.
Read moreUnchain your Staff and let them manage the line from anywhere.
With Waitwhile, your staff can login and control your waitlist on any smartphone, tablet or computer. Both Staff and Students can view the current wait time anywhere, Staff can alert students that they are ready, or even change the order of the line. We’ve even still got you covered even if your Wi-Fi goes down.
Manage your walk-ins and appointments in the same line with ease
Let students join the line or schedule time in advance. With a powerful bookings feature that automatically syncs appointments with your waitlist, your students have total flexibility on when (and where) they wait.
Read moreWaitwhile fungerer utmerket med verktøyene du elsker
Waitwhile lar deg koble ventelisten din sammen med dine systemer for CRM, POS og billetthåndtering, samt med Slack kanaler, nettsider, apper osv..
Les merUansett hvilken bransje du er i,
kan vi hjelpe deg
«Vi har spart over 3 millioner kunder i kø gjennom Waitwhile mer enn 140 000 dager med venting i kø. Det har vært sømløst."
Cliff Stefanuk
Produkteier, Best Buy
95 % av tilbakemeldingene fra brukerne om bestillingsappen vår er hvor enkel den er å bruke. Det har blitt kalt magi. Og det er takket være Waitwhile.
Kevin Yim
VP Marketing & Communications, Zippy's
«Å vente på familiemedlemmer under operasjonen kan være stressende. Teamene våre elsker Waitwhile fordi det bringer empati inn i en vanskelig prosess.»
Andrew Turczak
Administrerende direktør, Hartford HealthCare
Best i klassen
Waitwhile fortsetter å være en kunde- og redaktørfavoritt, og får toppkarakterer fra slike som Capterra, G2 og mer.