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Museum waitlist and queuing system

Whether it be for an interactive VR experience, or a popular art exhibit, save museum visitors from long lines with Waitwhile – the intelligent waitlist app. Create a free waitlist for your business with SMS notifications in under 3 minutes.

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No credit card required

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With Waitwhile, businesses have saved 100 million customers more than 10,000 years of waiting in line...
...and counting

pearle vision
pearle vision
hartford healthcare
rag bone

Say hello to a waitlist
without the wait

Make it easy for museum visitors to join the line from anywhere

Say goodbye to unruly crowds. With Waitwhile, your guests will be able to add their name to your waitlist from a tablet in your lobby, their home via your website, a social media post - or by simply sending a text. No app required.


Book appointments and check in from anywhere

Empower your visitors by allowing them to spend their time however they like (even when they’re waiting in line). Our ‘alert’ features make it easy to keep them informed of their place in line and give them enough time to come back when their turn is coming up.

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Merge museum appointments and walk-ins into one line

Allow your employees to spend less time managing the waitlist and more time focusing on the visitor experience with our powerful waitlist. Waitwhile will automatically sync walk-ins with scheduled appointments, making the wait fair for everyone.


Optimize your museum operations with wait time and queue data

Learn when the museum is busiest, which exhibits attract the most guests, the average amount of time guests spend at each exhibit, and more.

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Works with the other apps your museum uses

Waitwhile lets you connect your waitlist with your CRM, POS, Calendar, Ticket Manager, Slack channel, Website, App... you name it.

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Uansett hvilken bransje du er i,
kan vi hjelpe deg

Restaurant Helsevesen Butikk og detaljhandel Universitet Events Museum Frisør Barbershop Skjønnhetssalong Myndigheter Bilservice Veterinær Apotek Tannlege Dyrehjem
Se alle bransjene vi støtter

«Vi har spart over 3 millioner kunder i kø gjennom Waitwhile mer enn 140 000 dager med venting i kø. Det har vært sømløst."

Cliff Stefanuk

Produkteier, Best Buy

95 % av tilbakemeldingene fra brukerne om bestillingsappen vår er hvor enkel den er å bruke. Det har blitt kalt magi. Og det er takket være Waitwhile.

Kevin Yim

VP Marketing & Communications, Zippy's


«Å vente på familiemedlemmer under operasjonen kan være stressende. Teamene våre elsker Waitwhile fordi det bringer empati inn i en vanskelig prosess.»

Andrew Turczak

Administrerende direktør, Hartford HealthCare

Best i klassen

Waitwhile fortsetter å være en kunde- og redaktørfavoritt, og får toppkarakterer fra slike som Capterra, G2 og mer.











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