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Waitlist and appointment scheduling app for optometrist offices

Make optometrist office check-in and appointment scheduling a breeze with a single app to manage calendars, virtual waitlists, and messaging.

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pearle vision
hartford healthcare
rag bone

Say hello to a waitlist
without the wait

Make it easy for your patients to join the line from anywhere

Let patients add their name to your waitlist from a tablet in your lobby, their home via your website, a social media posts - or by simply sending a text. No app required.


Let patients do what they like while waiting

Give your patients back their time by allowing them to wait from anywhere. Our ‘alert’ features make it easy to keep them informed of their place in line and give them enough time to come back when their turn is coming up.

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Allow your staff to manage the line from anywhere

With Waitwhile, your clinic staff can log in and manage your waitlist from any smartphone, tablet or computer, even if your Wi-Fi goes down. Both staff and patients can view current wait times from anywhere at any time.


Merge your walk-ins and appointments into one line with ease

Let patients join a waitlist in real-time or schedule an appointment in advance. Waitwhile’s powerful bookings feature will automatically merge the two, making the wait fair for everyone.

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Boost your practice with better customer communication

Use our easy to customize, 2-way messaging feature to thank patients, or ask them to fill out a quick survey. Use the feedback to find ways to improve and catch unhappy patients before they give you a bad review online.


Works with the other apps your optometry practice uses

Waitwhile lets you connect your waitlist with your CRM, POS, Calendar, Ticket Manager, Slack channel, Website, App... you name it.

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Alle von uns unterstützten Branchen anzeigen

„Wir haben über 3 Millionen Kunden gerettet warteten durch Waitwhile mehr als 140.000 Tage in der Schlange. Es war nahtlos.“

Cliff Stefanuk

Product Owner, Best Buy

95 % des Benutzerfeedbacks zu unserer Bestell-App ist, wie einfach sie zu bedienen ist. Man hat es Magie genannt. Und das verdanken wir Waitwhile.

Kevin Yim

VP Marketing & Kommunikation, Zippy's


„Das Warten auf Familienmitglieder während der Operation kann stressig sein. Unsere Teams lieben Waitwhile, weil es Empathie in einen schwierigen Prozess bringt.“

Andrew Turczak

Geschäftsführer, Hartford HealthCare


Waitwhile ist nach wie vor ein Favorit von Kunden und Redakteuren und erzielt Bestnoten von Unternehmen wie Capterra, G2 und anderen.











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