Nightclub app for reservations and waitlists
Get guests out of the line and into your club with Waitwhile, the intelligent waitlist app.
Create a free waitlist and have club goers start signing in directly from their mobile devices in under 3 minutes.
No credit card required
With Waitwhile, businesses have saved 100 million customers more than 10,000 years of waiting in line......and counting
Say hello to a waitlist
without the wait
Make waiting to get in part of the fun
Partner with a local bar, coffee shop or restaurant or just let guests do what they like while they wait from anywhere. They’ll get a text message when it’s their turn to come in.
Read moreHelp your staff get more done while managing lines on the go
Allow your club managers to focus on providing an excellent guest experience instead of worrying about keeping multiple guest lists straight.
Staff can use their smart devices to keep on top of guest lists on their feet and on the go to make sure everyone is checked in fairly.
Create order out of chaos with one streamlined waitlist
Help your club staff see a complete picture of the guest list in real-time even when it changes. Waitwhile’s powerful booking system automatically syncs guests who booked in advance, at the door, or any other way into one stream and keeps them up to date in real time.
Read moreWorks with the other apps your nightclub already uses
Waitwhile lets you connect your waitlist with your CRM, POS, Calendar, Ticket Manager, Slack channel, Website, App... you name it.
Read moreQuelle que soit votre entreprise,
nous pouvons vous aider
"Nous avons sauvé plus de 3 millions de clients mis en file d'attente via Waitwhile plus de 140 000 jours d'attente en ligne. Ça a été sans couture.
Cliff Stefanuk
Propriétaire de produit, Best Buy
95 % des commentaires des utilisateurs sur notre application de commande concernent sa facilité d'utilisation. Cela a été qualifié de magie. Et c'est grâce à Waitwhile.
Kevin Yim
Vice-président marketing et communications, Zippy's
« Attendre les membres de la famille pendant la chirurgie peut être stressant. Nos équipes adorent Waitwhile car il apporte de l'empathie dans un processus difficile. »
Andrew Turczak
Directeur général, Hartford HealthCare
Meilleur de sa catégorie
Waitwhile continue d'être un favori des clients et des éditeurs, obtenant les meilleures notes de Capterra, G2, etc.