Introducing Teams






The new Teams Page makes managing your team members much simpler and powerful in Waitwhile.

Christoffer Klemming


3 min read

Let me explain how it works and some of the cool things you can now do!


Admin, Host and Staff

There are 3 kinds of roles in Waitwhile that each team member can be: Admin, Host and Staff. So, what's the difference?

  • Hosts can only manage your waitlist by adding new guests and taking them off the list once done
  • Admins can do this too, but are also allowed to edit your account settings, invite other team members and view your customer data.
  • Staff are members that show up in your waitlist and can be assigned to new guests. For example, if you run a barbershop, think of Staff as your barbers.
Invite a new member

Just click "+Add Member" to invite a new member. When you add a new member, you can choose which role they should have. If you leave both Admin and Staff un-checked, they will become a Host.

Add member

If you include an email address, they will get an invite to join your waitlist and this is required for Administrators and Hosts.

The invited member can only access the Waitlist you invited him too, but not any other waitlists that may be added to your account. You would need to add the member on those waitlists separately, or check the "Copy Team" checkbox when you add a new waitlist.

Member info

Under the Info tab you can set the basic info about your member, like name, phone number and email. Here you can also set if the member should be a Staff or Admin and upload a photo!
Member info

Member services

If you've added your Services under the Waitlist Settings you can update which of those your member provides under the Services tab. This is great when you want o ensure that when a guest is asking for a service, only the right staff members are available!

Member services

Set working hours

By setting the member's Working Hours (including Breaks) you can ensure that they won't be available to select outside of these hours.

Member working hours

Alert your Staff when someone is waiting

One of my favorites features of Waitwhile is the ability to automatically send your staff members an SMS or Email whenever someone is waiting for them in your waitlist.

Imagine that your staff members Chris is milling about his business, until he gets this text:

Staff alert SMS

He now knows he has to pick up Sarah and gets to it!

So how do you set this up? It's easy! Just turn it on under your SMS Settings (or Email Settings, if you prefer to notify through email!) under the Staff Alert toggle.

You can choose whether to notify the selected staff member (i.e. when someone was added to your waitlist waiting for them) or instead to send to any number or email of your choosing.

Staff alert

We hope that the new Teams Page helps your business become more productive with Waitwhile! We got lots of improvements coming up - and as always let us know what you'd like to see!

Happy Waitlisting,
Chris & the Waitwhile team

There’s nothing to lose but the wait
