Auto queue management system

Whether it be a line forming for oil changes or appointments for repairs throughout the week, save your customers from endless waiting with Waitwhile – the intelligent waitlist app. Create a free waitlist for your business with SMS notifications in under 3 minutes.

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Say hello to a waitlist without the wait

Make it easy for your clients to join the line from anywhere

Say goodbye to packed lobbies with Waitwhile! Your clients can add their name to the list from a tablet, from home, from your website, your favorite social media posts - or by just sending a text! No app required.


Book and Check-in from Anywhere

No one likes to wait, especially for their car! Empower your customers and allow them the option to spend their wait however (and wherever) they like. Our ‘alert’ features make it easy to keep your customers informed wherever they go, giving them the chance to wait wherever is best for them.

Simple System Gives You More Time

Spend more time focusing on your customers with our powerful automated waitlist. Does your shop have customers that ‘walk-in’ AND book ahead? No problem - our appointment setting features automatically sync with your walk-up customers making the wait fair for everyone automatically.


Optimize your Operations

Learn about your wait times and other important details about your business operations to find out how to work more efficiently.

Works with the other apps your business uses

Waitwhile lets you connect your waitlist with your CRM, POS, Calendar, Ticket Manager, Slack channel, Website, App... you name it.


There’s nothing to lose but the wait
