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Real estate scheduling and appointment booking app

Delight buyers and sellers by offering a virtual waitlist option. You’ll be able to streamline your sales process with Waitwhile – the intelligent waitlist app. Create a free waitlist for your office with SMS notifications in under 3 minutes.

See it in action Try it free

No credit card required

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With Waitwhile, businesses have saved 100 million customers more than 10,000 years of waiting in line...
...and counting

pearle vision
pearle vision
hartford healthcare
rag bone

Say hello to a waitlist
without the wait

Make it easy for house hunters to join the waitlist from anywhere

Save your buyers time by letting them check in from a kiosk tablet, your website, or by sending a text to join the line. Waitwhile’s online waitlist works on any smart device. No app required.


Let real estate buyers do what they like while waiting

Give clients back their time by allowing them to wait from anywhere. Our ‘alert’ features make it easy to keep them informed of their place in line and give them enough time to come back when their turn’s up.

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Empower your staff by letting them manage lines from anywhere

With Waitwhile’s simple scheduling system, your staff can log in and manage the waitlist from any smartphone, tablet or computer, even if your Wi-Fi goes down. Both staff and clients can view current wait times from anywhere at any time.


Merge walk-ins and appointments into one line

Whether house buyers walk in or schedule an appointment in advance, our powerful waitlist will automatically merge the two, making the wait fair for everyone.

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Boost your business with better client communications

Use our easy to customize, 2-way messaging feature to thank clients for coming, or ask guests to fill out a quick survey. The possibilities are endless!


Works with the other apps your real estate office uses

Waitwhile lets you connect your waitlist with your CRM, POS, Calendar, Ticket Manager, Slack channel, Website, App... you name it.

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Quelle que soit votre entreprise,
nous pouvons vous aider

Restaurant Soins de santé Magasin et vente au détail Universités Événements Musées Coiffeur Coiffeur pour hommes Salons de beauté Gouvernement Auto Animaux de compagnie et vétérinaire Pharmacies Dentistes Refuge animalier
Voir toutes les industries que nous soutenons

"Nous avons sauvé plus de 3 millions de clients mis en file d'attente via Waitwhile plus de 140 000 jours d'attente en ligne. Ça a été sans couture.

Cliff Stefanuk

Propriétaire de produit, Best Buy

95 % des commentaires des utilisateurs sur notre application de commande concernent sa facilité d'utilisation. Cela a été qualifié de magie. Et c'est grâce à Waitwhile.

Kevin Yim

Vice-président marketing et communications, Zippy's


« Attendre les membres de la famille pendant la chirurgie peut être stressant. Nos équipes adorent Waitwhile car il apporte de l'empathie dans un processus difficile. »

Andrew Turczak

Directeur général, Hartford HealthCare

Meilleur de sa catégorie

Waitwhile continue d'être un favori des clients et des éditeurs, obtenant les meilleures notes de Capterra, G2, etc.











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